Terms and conditions
The terms and conditions governing the booking of groups, vary from airline to airline. We will use our experience to ensure these are fair and will negotiate on your behalf if necessary.
Generally, terms and conditions cover the following areas:
- Deposit amounts to hold seats
- Key dates – deposits due, balance payment due, passenger names needed, passport info needed, ticketing due.
- Cancellation fees and rules – often a set percentage of the group can cancel without any airline charge but will be subject to an Aviate cancellation fee of £15 - £25
- Amendment fees and rules – it may be possible to change dates, routing or even passenger names after ticketing
- Deviations – rules covering how many passengers may vary their travel from the main group party
- Obligations should flights change or be cancelled
- Handling special requests – seating, special meals, wheelchair assistance etc.
- Baggage allowances
We also have a Ticket Protection Scheme that is applied within your Group quote to ensure you have the best protection. This protection is in place as soon as a deposit is paid, so your customer’s funds are safe from that initial stage. Find out more here.